For those of you working on an ocean theme these last few weeks of school, here are a few links and some free apps. AND, scroll down to the bottom to download a "Fish" PowerPoint.
At Cindy L. Meester's Blog make an ocean in a bag - one of my favorites. Also download an ocean bingo game and a ocean game for the pronouns he and she.
Read Surfer Girl at Starfall.com
Make a Sandcastle with Clifford the Big Red Dog
At the Monterey Bay Aquarium play games and watch and learn about animals that
live in the ocean
Match the sounds in the shells when you play Clifford's Shell Match at Scholastic.com
Count Fish at Meddybemps.com
Make an Ocean Scene with Billy Bear.
Ocean art, snacks, crafts, and language activities at Preschool Express.com and Everything Preschool.com
Play Sea Animal Bingo and Sea Animal Match at Kizclub.ocm
Download Story Patterns at Kizclub for the books I am the biggest Thing in the Ocean and The Rainbow Fish.
Play Which Fish at Peep and the Big Wide World. Talk about and complete patterns.
More resources at PreKinders.
More resources at PreKinders.
Free Apps
Ocean Animals - For readers (iPhone app, but works on iPad) March 2015 - This app is now $.99
Ocean Animals - For readers (iPhone app, but works on iPad) March 2015 - This app is now $.99
Interactive Story - Josh and Emma Go to the Beach.
SeaWorld Ruckus Reader - for beginning readers and above - Read the free book Shark Goes to the Doctor - a great real-life book about sharks. You must purchase the other books in the collection.
An Ocean Puzzle for Toddlers - Three free puzzles for toddlers. Other puzzles available for purchase.
Peek-a-Boo Ocean Lite - Very simple labeling of things in the ocean. Touch the water to see the sea creature. Touch the sky to move to the next sea creature.
Memorama - Great memory game. Pictures are sometimes similar so students will have to look for details.
Bonus - Download the Fish PowerPoint - made for the production of /f/ and to increase phrase length.
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Links and content updated March 2015.
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